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This tour links together 5 different city segments and is a perfect way to understand both the already highly well designed public friendly spaces, as well as areas which are currently being focused on for future ecological urban development.



- Parque Sofia (Kuritbike main office)

- Rio Belem urban greenway and CPUL (food production zone)

- Polish Park and MON (Oscar Neiymar museum)

- IPPUC + possible future city urban farm

- The old nothern line trainway greenway

- "Ilha de Camões" Minilibrary

- IBQP (Brazil's iCities node)

- Botanic Gardens

- UFPR campus

- Linha Verde (the Green line)

- PUC (private university on the Belem river)

- Vila Torres favela

- Parana FC football stadium

- Train and bus station

- Cyclists square

- Bicletaria cultural (bike centre & art space)

- Passeo Publico


The Blue Tour is a half day cycling tour. It follows an urban greenway along the banks of the Rio Belem and by an old train line.
LENGTH: 3 hours.
Meet: 9am
Starting point:
Kuritbike office

the blue tour

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